Wednesday, 11 November 2015

I am not Feeling well in my body yet my doctors say it’s all in my head

Chioma (not real name) couldn’t hold back her tears as she explained to me that her family doctor had referred her to me because all her test results came back negative and couldn’t explain her various symptoms. She had been on various treatments for several months but was not getting any better therefore she thought her doctor had given up on her when he decided to refer her to see a psychiatrist. After evaluating her, a diagnosis of Somatoform Disorder was made. She was then educated on the the nature of the illness and also placed her on medications. Since commencement of her treatment Chioma has significantly improved and also reported that she is now happier with her health.
Somatoform Disorders is an umbrella name for a group of psychiatric disorders which present with numerous significant physical symptoms yet with no medically explainable or evident cause. These disorders cause significant distress for patients and often difficult to diagnose. What is characteristic in this psychological illness is that despite several examinations and laboratory investigations pointing to the absence of physical illness the individual still remains overly preoccupied with being ill. He or she therefore repeatedly visit healthcare facility searching for “cure” even though they have been repeatedly told that nothing appears to be wrong with them. Collaboration with a mental health professional can be helpful in making the diagnosis and the subsequent proper management of a somatoform disorder.
Like I always say, “You are never without hope when you are better educated about what you are dealing with.” Let’s spread the awareness and not the stigma.

Remember, people with mental health challenges can live more productive lives, talk to a professional today.

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