a fresh resident psychiatrist, Bipolar Affective Disorder was the first mental
illness to intrigue me. The story I will share here was the first of what would
later become many of my encounters with people who are burdened with this
experience, which actually happened to a close friend, led me to writing and blogging about mental illness.
John really
felt good with himself because he thought he had finally overcome his shy
nature. He could now walk up to any lady and chat with them because he felt he
was irresistibly charming. He was full of energy and had earlier disclosed to
me that he had discovered that “great men don’t have need for much sleep”. He
was so excited about all the great ideas rushing through his mind and he went
on and on talking… like forever. None of this new behavior stared up any need
for concern from his family members until he did something…something really
embarrassing and he had to be admitted into a psychiatric ward.
John (not real name) has a condition called Bipolar Affective Disorder, which refers to a disturbance in the mood of an individual. Though we don’t have the exact figure here in Nigeria the lifetime prevalence (will occur at some point in a person’s life) is between 0.3 and 1.5% of most general population.
John (not real name) has a condition called Bipolar Affective Disorder, which refers to a disturbance in the mood of an individual. Though we don’t have the exact figure here in Nigeria the lifetime prevalence (will occur at some point in a person’s life) is between 0.3 and 1.5% of most general population.
What is Bipolar Affective Disorder?
Like the
name implies “Bi” meaning two… there are 2 poles or sides to the illness, the
individual with bipolar affective disorder is either sometimes “manic” or at
other times “depressed” hence it’s commonly called a Manic-Depressive disorder.
There are
two major variants of bipolar affective disorder; Bipolar I and Bipolar II.
In bipolar I
the individual experiences one or more manic episodes with or without obvious
depressive episodes in between while in the bipolar II variant the individual
experiences repeated episodes of major depression interspersed with hypomanic
episodes. Bipolar disorder generally shares the same incidence (rate of new
cases) between both sexes however the bipolar II variant is more common in
How to recognize it?
Though there
are two poles to this condition, in this edition I’ll be focusing on
recognizing the manic pole. Mania is characterized by elated (happy) mood which
would have lasted for at least one week with three or more of the following

Hypomania is
a milder form of mania with all the above symptoms however the duration for the
elated mood or irritability could just be as short as 4days. In milder forms of
the illness the manic individual feels they are having an exhilarating
experience; a feeling of being invincible, all powerful, and all-wise however
the situation often worsens and then the condition becomes frighteningly out of
The Cause
Genetic and
family studies show it runs in families however it could be triggered by
environmental stressors and there is also evidence that depriving oneself of
sleep could trigger it especially in those who are already vulnerable to this
The Course (how it progresses)
For bipolar
patients, the mean age the illness shows up for the first time is about 18years
this is usually mild and may go unnoticed, the individual may get better
without treatment. The mean age for first treatment is about 22years, and the
mean age for the first hospitalization is about 25years. 25-50% of people with
this illness also usually attempt suicide at least once especially during one
of their depressive episodes.
In between
episodes of the illness these individual are perfectly okay and can carry out
their usual duties effectively. It has affected many creative people in the
past and present hence it is nicknamed ‘creative madness’, though those who
battle with this illness would rather live a ‘normal life’ and be free from the
unpredictable mood swings.
Self Help Tips
These few
tips could help reduce the chance of frequent reoccurrences in those already
diagnosed with the illness and generally improve their quality of life

Coping with those with the Illness
Like every
chronic illness there is a lot of emotional and financial strain placed on
family and friends. The spontaneity of the reckless behaviour of these
individual in terms of excessive spending, suicidal attempts, promiscuity and
general odd behaviour may cause a form of embarrassment and anxiety.
To cope with the ones with the illness and also better assist them one should
To cope with the ones with the illness and also better assist them one should

Please bear
in mind that these individuals did not bring the illness upon themselves so be
gentle on them and if you suffer from this illness I encourage you to comply
with your medication and maximize your quality of life.
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